I like Stone Barrington, the main character, and he ended up being the old man-whore that I've come to appreciate. I had heard rumblings that the character was getting old - as in too much of the same thing - but I disagree. Once the plot thickened and I stopped reading the plethora of "he said's", I really enjoyed the story.
I read to escape; and living among the rich and famous, if only for a short while, is never a bad way to pass the time. I ended up finishing in one session after several stops and starts because the pace really picked up.
If you're a fan of Woods' Stone Barrington series, this book won't disappoint. Yes, I think it might be time to close out the story... how geriatric is this guy going to get before he cares that he has no one to share his life with and a son who doesn't know he exists? I got the sense that this might be changing though and really hope it does.
For now, Stuart Woods remains on my auto-buy list (even though I really wish he would get rid of that ridiculous diatribe he puts at the end of his novels). Bel-Air Dead
Happy Reading!
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